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Gainful Employment Disclosures

Gainful Employment Disclosures

Federal regulations require institutions to report certain information about students who enrolled in Title IV eligible educational programs that lead to gainful employment in a recognized occupation (GE Programs). Those regulations also provide that institutions must disclose to prospective students certain information about the institution’s GE Programs. Disclosure information on the Program’s website home page must be simple and meaningful, and must contain direct links from any other web page with general, academic or admission information about the program. As such, following are links to Williamsburg Technical College’s gainful employment programs:

Automotive Repair
Computer Technology
Construction Trades
Criminal Justice
Early Childhood Development
Electrical Technology
Infant and Toddler Care
Machine Tool Technology
Medical Office Clerical Assistant
Microcomputer Business Applications
Nail Technology
Nursing Assistant
Practical Nursing
Small Business Management

Gainful Employment Supplemental Information 2019
 (does not replace individual program Gainful Employment information)