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Certificate – Infant and Toddler Care

Semester hours required for graduation: 18

Advisors: Dr. Monica Stukes


The Infant and Toddler Certificate program specifically prepares graduates for meeting the specialized needs of children under the age of three. The individual will obtain a basic understanding of the developmental and care needs of young children and will learn how to create a nurturing environment in infant and toddler programs in order to meet the needs of young children and their families. Careers which may be entered include preschool teachers (except special education), special education teachers in preschool, teacher assistants, and childcare workers. Special needs and early intervention will also be addressed. WTC’s Early Care and Education Department is accredited by the  National Association for the Education of Young Children.


Tuition and book costs reflect the projected cost of the complete program.

Graduation times may vary according to course availability and/or individual course load. Consult faculty advisor.


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