Semester hours required for graduation: 25
Advisors: Mike Cumbie
This program is designed to give the student a basic understanding of the Machine Tool trade, leading to employment as an assistant machinist or preparation for more advanced study in CNC operations.
This program is not eligible for Title IV Funding and is available only for Dual Enrollment students at select are high schools.
A. Major Courses: 25 Credit Hours
EGT 123 Industrial Print Reading (2) IET 223 Industrial Safety (3) IMT 103 Precision Measurement Instrumentation (2) MTT 100 Careers in Machine Tool Technology (1) MTT 102 Machine Tool Basics (3) MTT 111 Machine Tool Theory and Practices I (5) MTT 143 Precision Measurements (2) MTT 145 Machining of Metals (3) MTT 161 Machine Tool Maintenance Theory (2) MTT 171 Industrial Quality Control (2)Tuition and book costs reflect the projected cost of the complete program.
Graduation times may vary according to course availability and/or individual course load. Consult faculty advisor.
Neither the Bureau of Labor Statistics nor Williamsburg Technical College controls or guarantees the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of the employment information listed above. Further, the inclusion of links to particular items in hypertext is not intended to reflect their importance, nor is it a guarantee of student employability from a particular program of study.
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