Eligibility for Financial Aid
A student must have a high school graduation diploma or a General Educational Development (GED) certificate, or its recognized equivalent, to establish eligibility for federal funding. A student must be enrolled in a certificate, diploma, or degree program to be eligible for financial aid. Transient students are ineligible for financial aid at WTC. Students in Workforce Dev/ Continuing Ed programs or career development classes are not eligible for assistance.
How to Apply for Financial Aid
The following applications must be completed before eligibility for financial aid can be determined:
- Apply for admission to the College through the Admissions Office.
- Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa after October 1 to establish eligibility for the entire academic year beginning with the following fall semester. The Williamsburg Technical College code — 009322 — and electronic signatures are required. Students and parents, if necessary, must obtain an FSA ID at the FAFSA website for electronic signatures. A Student Aid Report (SAR) will be sent to the student, who must check it for accuracy. Completion of the FAFSA is mandatory in order to be considered for SC Lottery Tuition Assistance monies unless the student is eligible to file a waiver.
- Students will then be contacted by the financial aid office via the email that is listed on the FAFSA. This email will be a confirmation that we have or need your FAFSA. It will also include instructions on submitting any documentation that may be needed. Once a student has signed up for classes you will receive a confirmation email from your advisor.
- An email will be sent to the students’ email address letting you know your financial assistance award is complete after the following criteria are completed: your classes are added and all requirements are met, eligibility is established and the student’s file is complete. This email MUST be received before you can get your stamped schedule from the business office. Students MUST maintain an active email address, as all financial aid communication is conducted through email.