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ENG 031 – Developmental English Basics

Developmental English Basics is intended for students who need assistance in basic writing skills. Based on assessment of student needs, instruction includes basic grammar and usage, mechanics, sentence structure, and basic writing. Assignments will include writing a variety of unified and coherent compositions with evidence of a controlling idea, introduction, body and conclusion.

ENG 032 – Developmental English

Developmental English is an intense review of grammar and usage, mechanics of punctuation, spelling and capitalization, sentence structure, and the writing process. Evidence of planning and organizing, drafting, editing and revising are emphasized in this course along with a study of different modes of writing for a variety of rhetorical situations.

ENG 101 – English Composition I

This is a college transfer course in which the following topics are presented: a study of composition in conjunction with appropriate literary selections, with frequent theme assignments to reinforce effective writing. A review of standard usage and the basic techniques of research are also presented.

ENG 102 – English Composition II

This is a college transfer course in which the following topics are presented: development of writing skills through logical organization, effective style, literary analysis, and research. An introduction to literary genre is also included.

ENG 155 – Communications I

This course introduces the principles of expository writing and public speaking through practice and development of communication skills.

ENG 203 – American Literature Survey

This course is a survey of American literature: major authors, genres and periods.

ENG 205 – English Literature I

This is a course in which the following topics are presented: the study of English literature from the Old English period to the romantic period with emphasis on major writers and periods.

ENG 206 – English Literature II

This is a course in which the following topics are presented: the study of English literature from the romantic period to the present with emphasis on major writers and period.

ENG 208 – World Literature I

This course is a study of masterpieces of world literature in translation from the ancient world to the sixteenth century.

ENG 236 – African American Literature

This course is a critical study of African-American literature examined from historical, social and psychological perspective.