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AAS – Business Administration

Semester hours required for graduation: 66

Advisors: Chelsie Smith


Success in the business world requires knowledge in various fields of business and in changing technologies. To meet these needs, the business administration curriculum requires courses in general education as well as humanities, economics and accounting. Job opportunities include marketing finance, accounting, personnel, banking, and related fields.

D. Other Electives: 3 Credit Hours

Courses chosen with advisor approval.

(It is recommended that students work closely with their advisor to determine courses taken in this area. Consideration should be given to student program plan and all courses must be with advisor approval.)

Tuition and book costs reflect the projected cost of the complete program.

Graduation times may vary according to course availability and/or individual course load. Consult faculty advisor.

Neither the Bureau of Labor Statistics nor Williamsburg Technical College controls or guarantees the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of the employment information listed above. Further, the inclusion of links to particular items in hypertext is not intended to reflect their importance, nor is it a guarantee of student employability from a particular program of study.